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原作者: Semhar Tewelde,郑辛甜译, 发布日期:2015-03-02
关键词:apache评分 急性心力衰竭

Title: APACHE-HF Scoring System
Author 作者: Semhar Tewelde
翻译:郑辛甜 校对:肖锋

The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) scoring system was established in the 1980's to predict critically ill patient prognosis (APACHE II, III, and IV have been published in last two decades).
急性生理和慢性健康评估(APACHE)评分系统在上世纪80年代建立,用于预测危重患者的预后(在过去20年中,APACHE II,III,IV评分先后被提出)。
The APACHE II scoring system involves combining 3 separate scores (acute physiology score, chronic health score, and age), which can be cumbersome to apply & thus is not often utilized in the emergency department (modified APACHE II doesn't include chronic health score & is less taxing).
APACHE II 评分系统综合了3项独立的指标(急性生理指标、慢性健康指标和年龄),使用起来较为繁琐,因此在急诊科应用不多(改良APACHE II评分不包含慢性健康评分,因此不是那么繁琐)。
No unique scoring system for acute heart failure (AHF) has been analyzed until present; the APACHE-HF score includes 8 criteria: mean arterial pressure (MAP), pulse, sodium, potassium, hematocrit, creatinine, age, and glasgow coma score (GCS).
AHF in-hospital mortality data was analyzed and compared using APACHE II, modified APACHE II, and APACHE- HF scores and the predictive value of the APACHE-HF score was found to be optimal when compared to the others.

通过对APACHE II、改良APACHE II和APACHE-HF评分系统的比较,发现在预测院内急性心力衰竭病死率时,APACHE-HF的阳性预测能力为最佳。
References 参考文献
Hirotake O, Akihiro S, et al. New scoring system (APACHE-HF) for predicting adverse outcomes in patients with acute heart failure: Evaluation of the APACHE II and Modified APACHE II scoring systems. Journal of Cardiology. Volume 64, Issue 6, Pages 421-510 (December 2014)