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De Quervains与腕交叉综合症的比较
原作者: Michael Bond, 陈都翻译 肖 发布日期:2014-04-14

De Quervains与腕交叉综合症的比较
Title: De Quervains versus Intersection Syndromes
题目:De Quervains 与 交叉综合症的比较
Author 作者: Michael Bond
De Quervain and Intersection Syndromes:
De Quervain与腕交叉综合症:
De Quervain's Syndrome (Tenosynovitis of the Abductor Pollicus Longus and Extensor Pollicus Brevis tendons) is a common disorder that has received a lot of press lately as BlackBerry Thumb or Gamer's Thumb.
De Quervain综合征(拇长展肌和拇短伸肌肌腱扭伤导致的腱鞘炎)是一种常见的病症,最近大量新闻报道:黑莓手机用户使用拇指过度或电子游戏玩家使用大拇指过度都会导致此类症状。
This condition can be diagnosised by the Finklestein test [Have the patient bend their thumb into the palm of their hand, and then make a fist.  They should then ulnar deviate their wrist.  Pain along the tendons secures the diagnosis.
The pain of De Quervain's syndrome is typically along the distal end of the radius at the base of the thumb.
De Quervain综合征的疼痛通常是沿着桡骨到远端大拇指的根部。
Intersection syndrome is a less common disorder though closely related to De Quervain's Syndrome
虽然与De Quervain综合征密切相关,交叉综合征是一种并不常见的疾病。
The pain is usually felt on the top of the forearm about three inches proximal to the wrist. 
The pain from this condition is due to tenosynovitis of the Extensor carpi radialis longus and Extensor Carpi radialis brevis muscles/tendons caused by the intersection of them with the Extensor pollicus brevis and Abductor pollicus longus tendons. Occurs due to excessive wrist movements.
Intersection syndrome can be seen in weight lifters, skiers, and can be seen in homeowners in the fall and winter when they rake a lot of leaves or shovel snow.
Treatment is the similar for both conditions and consists of:
Cortisone injections can be effective
Thumb and wrist immobilization with a Thumb Spica Splint or Cock Up Wrist Splint。