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文章来源: 超声达摩院 发布日期:2021-06-08


世界重症超声联盟(The World Interactive Network Focused On Critical UltraSound,WINFOCUS)致力于促进POC超声应用、研究、教育及技术和网络交流,满足院内外重症场景中患者、机构、服务和社区生活的需求。

WINFOCUS主席 Arif Hussain 教授致辞













14:00致欢迎辞---Arif Hussain (Riyadh–SAUDIARABIA),Gabriele Via (Lugano– SWITZERLAND)

14:10 Pandemic and beyond: lessons learned, challenges and opportunities for healthcare and humanity(大流行病及其他:医疗保健和人类的经验教训、挑战和机遇)---Maurizio Cecconi (Milan– ITALY)



PoCUS Training and Competency Assessment: the next 10 years(POCUS培训和能力评估:未来十年)

14:25 Training in POCUS and how it has evolved(POCUS培训及其发展)---AndrewLiteplo (Boston, MA–USA)

14:45 Competency assessment in point of care ultrasound in Canada(加拿大POCUS能力评估实践)----IreneMa(Calgary, CANADA)
15:05 When to start training? Undergraduate impact(什么时候开始培训?本科生的影响)-----RichardHoppman (Columbia, SC–USA)
15:25 How competency training is working in the UK (能力培训在英国是如何运作的)---Bob Jarman & Jim Connolly (Newcastle – UK)
15:45 The cutting edge in critical care echo: a North American perspective onelements to include in competency and certification for 2021(重症超声前沿:2021年能力和认证中所包含要素的北美观点)-------Paul Mayo(New York City, NY–USA)
16:05 Faculty Panel and Q&A(问答环节)



PoCUS in the ICU(PoCUS在ICU中的应用)
16:25 PoCUS in Intra-abdominal Hypertension(腹内高压与PoCUS)---Bruno M Pereira(Campinas–BRAZIL)
16:45 Basic and advanced BrainUltrasonography applications in neuro-critical care(基础和高级颅脑超声在神经重症监护中的应用)---AartiSarwal (New York, NY–USA)
17:05 Combined Brain and Lung Ultrasound for brain protectiveventilation in neurocritical care(颅脑和肺联合超声应用于神经重症监护中的脑保护通气)---Chiara Robba (Genoa–ITALY)
17:25 “Echodynamics” forcardiogenic shock management(“超声动力学”用于心源性休克管理)------Guido Tavazzi (Pavia–ITALY)
17:45 Role of diaphragmatic ultrasound in mechanical ventilation mamagement(膈肌超声在机械通气管理中的作用)---MartinDres (Paris–FRANCE)
18:05 Faculty Panel and Q&A(问答环节)



PoCUS in Trauma(PoCUS在创伤中的应用)
18:25 US guided regional anesthesia in the trauma patient(超声引导的区域麻醉在创伤患者中的应用)-----DanaSajed (Los Angeles, CA–USA)
18:45 IntegratingPoCUS in the early management of severe torso trauma(PoCUS整合到严重躯干创伤的早期管理)-----LaurentZielesckiewicz (Marseille–FRANCE)
19:05 PoCUS for airway management: current evidenceand practice(PoCUS用于气道管理:最新证据和实践)----Adi Osman (Perak–MALAYSIA)
19:25 FacultyPanel and Q&A(问答环节)



PoCUS changing healthcare practice, delivery,and education(PoCUS 改变医疗保健实践、服务和教育)
19:45 Impact of PoCUS on referral patterns in rural Kenya(PoCUS对肯尼亚农村转诊模式的影响)---Grace Wanjiku (Providence, RI – USA)
20:05 How PoCUS impacted the development of EM in Slovenia(PoCUS如何影响斯洛文尼亚新兴市场的发展)----Gregor Prosen (Maribor – SLOVENIA)
20:25 Impact of PoCUS on the preoperative evaluation of non-cardiacanesthesia(PoCUS对非心脏麻醉术前评估的影响)---Colin Royse (Melbourne, VIC – AUSTRALIA)
20:45 Beyond Anatomy and the Physical Exam: creative roles for ultrasound in every course in medical school(超越解剖学和体格检查:超声在医学院课程创新中的作用)----Wilma Chan (Philadelphia –USA)
21:05 Faculty Panel and Q&A(问答环节)



PoCUS in Infectious Disease(PoCUS在传染性疾病中的应用)
21:25 PoCUS inTubercolosis(PoCUS与结核病)---Trish Henwood (Philadelphia, PA – USA)
21:45 PoCUS diagnoses of opportunistic infections in HIV(PoCUS诊断HIV机会感染)---Tom Heller (Lilongwe, MALAWI)
22:05 PoCUS in Dengue Virus infection(PoCUS与登革热病毒感染)----Mahathar Abd Wahab (Kuala Lumpur – MALAYSIA)
22:25 PoCUS and Echocardiography role in Sepsis-related MyocardialDysfunction(PoCUS和超声心动图在败血症相关的心肌功能障碍中的作用)---Micheal Lanspa (Salt Lake City, UT – USA)
22:45 Faculty Panel andQ&A(问答环节)


PoCUS in Cardiac Arrest(PoCUS与心脏骤停)
23:05 Checking the pulse in the 21st century:expanding the FEEL protocol(在21世纪检查脉搏:扩展FEEL协议)---RaoulBreitkreutz (Frankfurt–GERMANY)
23:25 Role of PoCUS in ECPR(PoCUS在ECPR中的作用)---Jose L.Diaz-Gomez(Houston, TX–USA)

23:45 Can PoCUS contribute to cardiacarrest prognostication?(PoCUS能否有助于心脏骤停的预后?)---Joshua CReynolds (Grand Rapids, MI, USA)

24:05 Faculty Paneland Q&A(问答环节)24:25 ADJOURN(休会)


14:00 欢迎致辞--ArifHussain (Ryiadh – SAUDI ARABIA),Anthony Dean (Philadelphia, PA – USA)
14:05 序曲 --Frank Ricardo& Band
14:10 WINFOCUS:如何成为会员--Davide Neri



PoCUS new practices for COVID-19(COVID-19中的PoCUS新实践)
14:15 Newperspectives on the role of chest imaging in the emergency department(胸部影像在急诊科中的作用的新观点)--Giovanni Volpicelli (Turin –ITALY)
14:35 PoCUSfor severe COVID-19 monitoring in the ICU(PoCUS检测ICU中重症COVID-19患者)--BelaïdBouhemad (Dijon – FRANCE)
14:55 Tele-ultrasoundfor home remote monitoring of COVID-19(远程超声,用于家庭COVID-19患者的远程监护)---AndrewKirkpatrick (Alberta – CANADA)
15:15 BedsideUltrasound approach to hypoxemia in severe COVID-19(COVID-19中的DVT筛查和PE诊断流程)----ArifHussain (Riyadh – SAUDI ARABIA)
15:35 FacultyPanel and Q&A(问答环节)



PoCUS in Pediatrics(儿科PoCUS)
15:55 Impact of pocus on pediatric care in the era of covid(COVID-19地区POCUS对儿科护理的影响)---JimTsung(New York City, NY – USA)
16:15 LungUltrasound for pediatric ventilation(肺超声用于小儿通气)--CeciliaAcosta (Buenos Aires – ARGENTINA)
16:35 ABCD….POCUS in pediatric resuscitation(ABCD……小儿复苏中的POCUS)---StephanieDoniger (Orange, CA – USA)
16:55 FoCUSin resource limited settings to manage children with congenital and acquiredheart disease (FoCUS在资源有限的环境中管理先天性和后天性心脏病的儿童)---LynneNield (Toronto, CANADA)
17:15 PoCUSin pediatric anesthesiology in the perioperative period (围手术期儿科麻醉中的PoCUS )----AdamC Adler (Houston, TX – USA)
17:35 FacultyPanel and Q&A(问答环节)
Pablo Bravo, Jennifer Marin,Jing Liu (刘敬,北京)



大流行时代的PoCUS应用(PoCUS applications in pandemic times)(Session in Mandarin,普通话)(2021年WINFOCUS国际会议中国分论坛专场)

中国论坛共同主席(排名不分先后):Liu Dawei刘大为, Guan Xiangdong管向东, Yan Jing严静,Chen Dechang陈德昌, Liang Ping梁萍,Lv Chuanzhu吕传柱

刘大为 中华医学会重症医学分会第一、二届主任委员

管向东 中华医学会重症医学分会主任委员

严 静 中华医学会重症医学分会副主任委员

陈德昌 中华医学会重症医学分会侯任主任委员

梁 萍 中华医学会超声医学分会主任委员

吕传柱 中华医学会急诊医学分会主任委员


胡才宝 世界重症超声联盟中国联盟主席、亚太基层卫生协会超声医学分会副主席

王小亭 中国重症超声研究组组长、北京重症超声研究会会长

晁彦公 中国重症超声研究组组长、北京重症超声研究会副会长

蒋正英 世界重症超声联盟中国联盟副秘书长


17:55 重症超声在中国新冠肺炎救治中的作用 (The role of Critical ultrasound in COVID-19 pandemic in China)--Wang Xiaoting 王小亭(Beijing – CHINA)

18:15 肺部超声在中国抗击新冠肺炎的应用(Application of Lung Ultrasound for fighting against COVID-19 in China---Hu Caibao胡才宝 (Hangzhou , CHINA)

18:35 床旁即时超声指导脓毒症心肌病正/负性肌力药物治疗 (PoCUS guided positive / negative inotropic agents therapy for septic cardiomyopathy)-----Jiang Zhengying蒋正英(Chongqing – CHINA)

19:55 重症超声在新冠病人血栓情况管理中的作用(PoCUS for thromboembolic disease in COVID-19 patients)----Yangong Chao晁彦公(Beijing – CHINA)

19:15 Faculty Panel and Q&A(专家点评讨论互动)

Liu Dawei刘大为, Guan Xiangdong管向东, Yan Jing严静,Chen Dechang陈德昌,Liang Ping梁萍,Lv Chuanzhu吕传柱




PoCUS-applied New Technologies & Strategies(PoCUS应用的新技术和策略)
19:35 From silo mentality to trans-specialty collaboration:components of an institution-wide PoCUS alliance(从孤岛思维到跨专业合作:多机构PoCUS联盟的组成部分)----Nova Panebianco (Philadelphia, PA – USA)
19:55 Artificial intelligence- and deep learning-empowered PoCUS(人工智能和深度学习赋能PoCUS)--Micheal Blaivas (Columbia, SC – USA)
20:15 Tele-Ultrasound and PoCUS dataflow management: from PoCUS stewardship to impact on clinicaldecision making(远程超声和PoCUS数据流管理:从PoCUS管理到对临床决策的影响)---MikeStone (Portland, OG – USA)
20:35 Grey-scale texture analysis of pleural ultrasound images as an aid to differentialdiagnosis and lung ultrasound quantification(胸膜超声图像的灰度纹理分析,有助于鉴别诊断和肺超声量化)---FrancescoCorradi (Pisa – ITALY)
20:55 FacultyPanel and Q&A(问答环节)



Fluids and PoCUS(PoCUS与液体管理)
21:15 PoCUSfor identification of Extracardiac signs of fluid overload in the criticallyill(PoCUS用于识别重症病人的心外液超负荷征象)----AndréDenault (Montreal – CANADA)
21:35 Quantifyingsystemic venous congestion in the critically ill with bedside ultrasound: the venus approach(床旁超声量化危重病人的全身静脉充血:VEXUS流程)----PhilippeRola (Montreal – CANADA)
22:05 Echocardiographyfor Fluid Responsiveness(超声心动图对液体反应性的影响)--Daniel DeBacker (Brussels – BELGIUM)
22:25 FacultyPanel and Q&A(问答环节)



Nuevos tiempos, nuevas perspectivas para la ecografía "New times, new perspectives for ultrasound" (session in Spanish) (新时代,超声的新观点,西班牙语会议)
Final remarks(结束语)






14:00致欢迎辞-- Arif Hussain (Riyadh – SAUDI ARABIA),Gabriele Via (Lugano –SWITZERLAND)
14:10 Pandemic and beyond: lessons learned, challengesand opportunities for healthcare and humanity(大流行病及其他:医疗保健和人类的经验教训、挑战和机遇---Maurizio Cecconi (Milan– ITALY)



Fine tuning your cardiac ultrasound skills (优化您的心脏超声技能)
14:25 Howto measure cardiac output with echocardiography(如何通过超声心动图测量心输出量)---ChristophGanter (Zürich – SWITZERLAND)
14:40 Howto estimate left ventricular filling pressures with echocardiography(如何通过超声心动图估计左心室充盈压)---Karim Bendjelid (Geneve –SWITZERLAND)
15:00 Cardiactamponade: pearls and pitfalls(心脏压塞:要点和陷阱)----Young-RockHa (Seoul – SOUTH KOREA)
15:15 Echocardiographicsigns of chronic cardiac diseases(慢性心脏病的超声心动图征象)---JulinaNoor (Kuala Lumpur – MALAYSIA)
15:30 Pulmonaryartery pressure estimation: systolic, diastolic and mean(肺动脉压力估算:收缩压,舒张压和均值)----Aditi Jain (Kolkata – INDIA)
15:45 What can FoCUS safely tell us about valvular disease?(FoCUS可以安全地告诉我们有关瓣膜疾病的哪些信息?)----TatjanaGolob Gulič (Maribor – SLOVENIA)
16:05 FacultyPanel and Q&A(问答环节)



Getting the most out of your ultrasound practice(充分利用超声实践)
16:25 What to measure in2D cardiac ultrasound and how to do it: going beyond FoCUS pure qualitativeapproach(在二维心脏超声中要测量什么以及如何做:超越FoCUS纯定性方法)----Massimiliano Meineri (Leipzig, GERMANY)
16:45 How to maximize your knobology: dynamic range, gain, depth, focus position, rejection andcompression(如何最大化使用按键:动态范围,增益,深度,焦点位置,抑制和压缩)----RashaBuhumaid
17:05 Advancing one’s sonology practice: evolving from binary questions to nuanced integration(推进超声学实践:从二元问题发展到细微融合)----Hein H Lamprecht (Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA)
17:20 To archive or not to archive? To report or not report? The “if and how” for best practice(要存档还是不存档?要报告还是不报告?最佳实践的“如果以及如何做”)---Bret Nelson (New York, NY – USA)
17:35 Faculty Panel andQ&A(问答环节)



Fine tuning your lung and diaphragm ultrasosonography skills(优化您的肺和膈肌超声检查技能)
17:55 Sonographic interstitial syndrome: one pattern does not fit for all(超声下间质综合征:一种模式并不适合所有人)---Luna Gargani (Pisa – ITALY)
18:10 How to perform LUS in patients with suspected/confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia(怀疑/确诊COVID-19肺炎的患者如何进行LUS检查)---Yale Tung Chen (Madrid – SPANI)
18:25 To B-line or not to B-line? Be sure of what you are seeing(B线还是非B线?确定您所看到的)---Toru Kameda (Tokyo – JAPAN)
18:40 Pulmonary Embolism and AorticDissection: PoCUS approach to double rule out(肺栓塞和主动脉夹层:PoCUS双重排除方法)---Peiman Nazarian (Firenze – ITALY)
18:55 Diaphragmatic thickening: tricks of the trade(膈肌增厚:技巧交流)---Annemijn H Jonkman (Amsterdam – NETHERLANDS)
19:20 Faculty Panel and Q&A(问答环节)



Fine tuning ultrasound-guided emergency nerve-blocks skills(优化超声引导的紧急神经阻滞技能)
19:30 How to Implement Ultrasound-Guided NerveBlocks in Your ED(如何在ED中实施超声引导的神经阻滞)--AarunNagdev (Oakland, CA – USA)
19:50 Systematic ultrasound imaging of the brachial plexus and recent refinements in its blockade above the clavicle(臂丛神经的系统超声成像和锁骨上方阻滞的最新改良)----ManojKarmakar (Hong Kong – CHINA)
20:05 Ultrasound-Guided Femoral and Sciatic Nerveblocks(超声引导的股骨和坐骨神经阻滞)----Jacob Avila (Lexington, KY – USA)
20:20 Pitfalls in ultrasound-guided nerve blocks in the critical care setting(重症监护环境中超声引导的神经阻滞的陷阱)-----TakeshiNomura (Tokyo – JAPAN)
20:35 Faculty Panel and Q&A(问答环节)



PoCus in resource-limited settings(资源受限场景中的PoCUS应用)
20:55 Teaching the nephrologist to be a sonologist: How we save system resources by extending individual capacity(培训肾脏病科医生成为超声科医生:我们如何通过扩展个人能力来节省系统资源)----Ana LuisaSilveira Vieira (Barbacena – BRASIL)
21:10 ThePoCUS Program Development triangle: A universal approach to PoCUSimplementation in any setting(PoCUS项目发展目标:在任何场景中均可实施PoCUS的通用方法)----MikeSmith(Cardiff, UK)
21:25 Lessons for Teachers: Challenges to training busy practitioners and adult learners inBangladesh(给教师的教训:在孟加拉国培训忙碌的从业人员和成年学习者面临的挑战)----NahreenAhmed (Philadelphia, PA – USA)
21:40 Lessons learned from starting a PoCUS program in Rwanda(在卢旺达启动PoCUS项目的经验教训)----VincentNdebwanimana (Kigali – RWANDA)
21:55 Faculty Panel and Q&A(问答环节)



Fine tuning your brain ultrasonography skills(优化您的颅脑超声检查技能)
22:15 Intracranialpressure assessment: how to do it with optic nerve sheath diameter(颅内压评估:如何通过视神经鞘管直径进行评估)---Mohammed Hirzallah (Houston,TX – USA)
22:30 Intracranialpressure assessment: how to do it with transcranial Doppler(颅内压评估:如何通过经颅多普勒检查)----Corina Puppo(Montevideo – URUGUAY)
22:45 Cerebralvasospasm and TCD(脑血管痉挛和TCD)---RitaBertuetti (Brescia – ITALY)
23:00 Assessment of cerebral autoregulation in patients with TBI(TBI用于患者脑自动调节的评估)---FrankRasulo (Brescia – ITALY)
23:15 How to assess the posterior circulation with brain ultrasonography(如何通过颅脑超声检查评估后循环)----Pedro Kurtz (Rio De Janeiro –BRASIL)
23:20 FacultyPanel and Q&A(问答环节)
23:45 ADJOURN(休会)


14:00致欢迎辞----Arif Hussain (Riyadh–SAUDI ARABIA),Anthony Dean (Philadelphia, PA – USA)
14:05序曲--Frank Ricardo & Band
14:10 WINFOCUS:如何成为会员-----Davide Neri



Fine tuning ultrasound-guided procedures skills(优化超声引导程序的技能)
14:15 Principlesof ultrasound needle guidance: the mystery of the disappearing needle(超声引导穿刺针原理:穿刺针消失之谜)----FrancisLee (SINGAPORE)
14:30 HowI do it with ultrasound: thoracentesis and pleural drainage(如何使用超声:胸腔穿刺术和引流)----Kuo-ChihChen (Taiwan – CHINA)
14:45 HowI do it with ultrasound: pericardiocentesis(如何使用超声:心包穿刺术)----SuthapornLumertgul (Bangkok – THAILAND)
15:00 HowI do it with ultrasound: subclavian central venous Catheter insertion(如何使用超声:锁骨下中心静脉导管插入术)----Scott Millington (Ottawa– CANADA)
15:15 HowI do it with ultrasound: percutaneous tracheostomy(如何使用超声:经皮气管切开术)----GiuseppeMaggio (Pavia – ITALY)
15:30 FacultyPanel and Q&A(讨论)



Fine tuning your musculoskeletal ultrasound skills & soft tissues ultrasound skills(优化您的肌骨超声技能和软组织超声技能)
15:55 PoCUS approach to a painful calf(PoCUS评估小腿疼痛)----Gordon Lee (Hong Kong – CHINA)
16:15 Diagnostic and interventional POCUS for Acute Musculoskeletal Pain: Joint and Tendon Pathology(急性肌肉骨骼疼痛的诊断和介入性POCUS:关节和肌腱病理)----Minna Koehler (Boston, MA – USA)
16:35 Novel uses for ultrasound in evaluating muscular and neuropathic disorders.Cases as seen by aneurologist(超声在评估肌肉和神经性疾病中的新用途)----DavidPreston
16:55 Faculty Panel andQ&A(讨论)



Industry session(行业会议)



Fine tuning pediatric ultrasound skills(优化儿科超声检查技巧)
18:40 Don’t go breaking my heart: FoCUS in children(别担心:小朋友们的FoCUS)----Jennifer Marin (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
19:00 Kids’ lungs: such a beautiful world!(孩子们的肺:如此美丽的世界!)----MagaliGauthey (Geneve – SWITZERLAND)
19:20 The soft underbelly- pediatric abdominal PoCUS(柔软的腹部:小儿腹部PoCUS)----Inbal Kestenbaum (Beer-Sheva – ISRAEL)
19:40 Tips and tricks for scanning paediatric patients(儿科超声检查的要点和技巧)----LianneMcLean (Toronto, CANADA)
20:00 Faculty Panel andQ&A(问答环节)



Fine tuning your cardiac ultrasound skills(优化您的心脏超声技能)
20:25 How I do it: quality assessment of chest compressions with ResuscTEE(我该怎么做:复苏TEE对胸部按压的质量评估)---Felipe Teran (Philadelphia, PA – USA)
20:45 How I do it: agitated saline contrast study(我该怎么做:水激发对比研究)----RajkumarRajendram(Riyadh, SAUDI – ARABIA)
21:05 How to know when PoCUS is not enough for acute heart failure management(如何知道何时PoCUS不足以进行急性心力衰竭评估)----Aleksander N Neskovic (Belgrade, SERBIA)
21:25 IVC assessment: what not to do(IVC评估:不该做什么)---To be defined
21:45 Faculty Panel andQ&A(讨论)



Refining abdominal PoCUS skills(优化腹部PoCUS技能)
22:10 Gastrointestinal dysfunction evaluation in the critically ill: The GUTS protocol(危重病患者胃肠功能障碍的评估:GUTS流程)----Adrian Wong (London – UK)
22:25 Systemic venous congestion diagnosis and grading: the VExUS protocol(系统性静脉充血的诊断和分级:VEXUS流程)----Rory Spiegel (Washington, DC – USA),PhilippeRola (Montreal – CANADA)
22:40 Prandial state and aspiration risk assessment(餐后状态和误吸风险评估)---RichelleKruisselbrink (Hamilton – CANADA)
22:55 PoCUS as an aid for nasogastric tubeplacement(PoCUS作为鼻胃管放置的辅助工具)----Francesco Caronni (Lugano – SWITZERLAND)
23:10 Faculty Panel and Q&A(讨论)
23:35 Final Remarks(结束语)



来自东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN) 成员国和中国的选定发言人将介绍重症监护领域的前沿 PoCUS 主题。会议也将翻译成普通话,与迈瑞合作举办。




10:00 欢迎致辞及介绍----Adi Osman (Ipoh – MALAYSIA)
10:10 Lung Ultrasound for Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation(肺部超声应用于机械通气脱机---Vo Thi ThuyAn (Ho Chi Minh City – VIETNAM)
10:40 Resuscitative TEE in Emergency and Critical Care(急诊和重症监护中的复苏 TEE)---Azuma Haryaty Ahmad (Ipoh –MALAYSIA)
11:10 PoCUS-guided positive/negative inotropic agents treatment for septiccardiomyopathy(PoCUS指导正/负正性肌力药物治疗脓毒性心肌病)--Zhengying Jiang (Chongqing – CHINA)
11:40 How to do cardiac and lung ultrasound(如何做心肺超声--Suthaporn Lumertgul (Bangkok – THAILAND)
12:10 PoCUS-guided initial approach to undifferentiated shock in the emergencydepartment(PoCUS 指导急诊科未分化休克的初始评估)---Qiubin Zhang (Hainan – CHINA)
12:40 PanelDiscussion and Q&A(问答环节)---All the speakers (Moderator Dr. Adi Osman)
13:00 FINAL REMARKS(会议结束)

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