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Title: Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
Author 作者: Mimi Lu
翻译:葛赟 校对:肖锋
Cyanotic (right to left shunt) Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) lesions can be easily remembered with the 1,2,3,4,5 method.
紫绀型先天性心脏病(CHD)(右至左分流) 病变可以用以下12345 法,很容易的记住。
1- Truncus Arteriosis (ONE trunk)
1-动脉干 (一个主干)
2- Transposition of the Great Vessels (TWO vessels flipped)
3- TRIcuspid Atresia
4-TETRAlogy of Fallot
5- Total Anomolous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR=5 words/letters)
5-全部肺静脉回流异常 (全部肺静脉回流异常(TAPVR),总共5个字母)。
A few other important DUCTAL-DEPENDENT lesions: Coarctation of the Aorta, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and Pulmonary Atresia.
其他几个重要的导管依赖型病变: 主动脉缩窄、 左心发育不全综合征、 肺动脉闭锁。
Patients present to the emergency department within the first week of life in severe distress, including hypoxia, tachypnea, and hypotension.
The above cyanotic CHD all reflect DUCTAL-DEPENDENT lesions, meaning they need a widely open PDA (which closes in the first week of life) to maintain sufficient oxygenation for viability.
所有上述的紫绀型先心病反映导管依赖病变,意味着他们需要高度开放的 PDA (它在出生后的第一周就会关闭) 保持足够的氧合。
These patients will not survive without timely intervention with prostaglandin (PGE1), so be sure to initiate this life-saving medication as soon as possible! Side effects include apnea…be prepared to intubate your neonate!
这些病人如果没有及时的应用前列腺素 (PGE1)是无法存活的,所以一定要尽快使用这种拯救生命的药物(前列腺素)!这个药物的副作用包括呼吸暂停...准备给你的新生儿插管 !